12 month landscape checklist

12 month landscape checklist

This complimentary checklist helps homeowners take the guess work out of yard work with a full year of key tasks that you can accomplish through each season for a beautiful yard and landscape. Access the PDF...
Get rid of moss in your grass

Get rid of moss in your grass

Moss is an environmental weed that grows wherever there is persistent moisture. Allowing moss to invade your lawn will weaken and thin your existing turf grass. While some garden center products are available to mitigate the moss, the moss returns and grows where...
Why Aeration?

Why Aeration?

One of the most beneficial things you can do for your lawn is aerating. Aeration is the process of mechani cally removing soil cores from the top 2 to 3 inches of the soil profile and leaving them on top of the turf. The soil cores break down over a period of two to...
How much water does my lawn need?

How much water does my lawn need?

When there isn’t sufficient rain your lawn will need supplemental irrigation to keep it healthy and green. While you do the have the option of letting a lawn go dormant during the driest of months, some water is still necessary to keep the crowns of the turf...
eliminating Creeping bentgrass

eliminating Creeping bentgrass

One challenge for many Heights-area homeowners is the gradual infestation of creeping bentgrass in their lawn. Bentgrass is a low spreading turf type that does not blend well with turf that grows upright like blue, rye and fescue and when left unchecked has the...