Lawn Renovation Service
When your lawn isn’t up to par, and lawn care services alone aren’t enough to meet your expectations, a lawn renovation is a game changer. A lawn renovation breathes new life into your lawn and is budget friendly at about one-third the cost of a new lawn installation.
Is a lawn renovation the right strategy for your lawn? It may not always be a straightforward decision, as the timeframe you have to work with, the size of the area and number and severity of symptoms will dictate the appropriate strategy. A site assessment is necessary to make a final determination as to the best approach or combination of strategies. Which symptoms does your lawn have?
Symptoms that can be addressed with a lawn renovation include:
- Small damaged areas and bare spots
- Weedy and thin turf
- Older, under-maintained lawn for five years or more, is stressed and underperforming
- Heavy thatch accumulation or old bluegrass sod
- Pest damage (e.g. grub and insect, and/or disease)
- Different turf types (e.g. patchy appearance from various or multiple seedings)
- Undesirable grass types (e.g. Creeping bentgrass, crabgrass, annual bluegrass, course fescue)
- Accidental application (e.g. too much fertilizer or used “Round-up” to control weeds in the lawn)
- Change in environment (e.g. loss of trees to full sun, or increasing shade canopy from maturing trees.
A lawn renovation does not address more severe symptoms
- Uneven, bump turf requiring soil and grading (e.g. low and high spots making mowing difficult)
- Defects (e.g. stumps, more significant damage)
- Yard simplification (e.g. remove and reduce bed space and convert to lawn)
- Excavation from utility line replacement
- Poor grading or drainage (e.g. puddling, water flows toward structure)
- Poor soil quality and structure (e.g., turf won’t grow, evidence of buried debris or depleted soil)
- Hard, compacted soil, excessive moss
- New or planned construction
A full or partial new lawn installation may be required. Learn more, or request an estimate
A lawn renovation can remedy:
The key distinction between different methods of seeding is the amount of soil or surface preparation before installing new seed. A New Lawn Installation is a different process and requires a larger investment to overcome and correct the defects.
To prevent your lawn from developing similar symptoms again, maintain your investment with a Lawn Care Program that provides essential nutrients and pest management.

Get a season-by-season DIY checklist for your lawn and yard with our FREE Landscape Maintenance Checklist!
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Rooted in Customer Service Since 1979

Office/Shop Address: 441 South Green Road, South Euclid, Ohio 44121
Mailing Address: 471 Chagrin River Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44040
(216) 371-1935 •
©Lawn Lad, Inc. 2023