Whether you just moved and inherited a yard with too many beds and plants, or you’ve lived with beds that have become overgrown, a Yard Simplification Project is one way to edit your existing space and restore order without having to start from scratch. If you need more play space, or would like to restore some balance to your yard by increasing lawn size, reduce oversized beds and install new grass. If the existing lawn is in good shape, you don’t have to start over when only some areas need a makeover. Effective garden maintenance takes knowledge, time, and experience to get desirable results. When interest wanes and the ability to follow through and maintain the space escapes your grasp, it may be time to simplify. Smart editing to remove excess perennials and simplifying with ground cover and appropriate plantings will help to unify the space and significantly reduce maintenance time.

Before: This homeowner had overgrown beds that lost definition, and overgrowth of pachysandra that damaged the turf health.

After: Beds cleaned up and re-defined. Hydroseeded the lawn in areas that needed turf definition.
A Yard Simplification presents a good opportunity to:
- Remove undesirable plants
- Reduce or eliminate perennial and garden beds that aren’t being maintained
- Remove stumps
- Remove old playsets and structures, sandboxes and other landscape elements no longer providing value
What’s the first step?
A simple design process is necessary to understand your priorities, discuss options and determine the desired outcome, and map out the changes using flags and marking paint. This on-site design meeting typically takes one to two hours. Once the written proposal is approved, the work will be scheduled.
BEFORE – Front yard close up
Lots of plants had naturalized to fill up the bed creating a messy and undefined bed.
AFTER – Front yard close up
Beds have been defined and plants simplified for a much cleaner look. We finished the bed edges by hydroseeding new grass.
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Mailing Address: 471 Chagrin River Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44040
(216) 371-1935 • info@lawnlad.com
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